February 21, 2023 Minutes

Goodar Township Board
February 21. 2023 7:30 PM
Pledge Of Allegiance:Tom Czerniak
Roll Call: McNenly, Czerniak, Weingartz Absent – Gulvas – Baughman Absent
Public Comment: Several questions on the junkyard, Supervisor explained it is in the county’s hands and the owners have not responded so citations will be issued soon.
Approvalof previous minutesBaughman made the motion to accept, Gulvas supported all ayes, motion passed
Additions to Agenda: A web page presentation by Shawn Stewart of Revise was made at the meeting, Insurance upgrade on Fire vehicles is to be addressed. Fire Chief stipend to be discussed
Visitors: County Commissioner: Reported on public transit issues, Security at the courthouse, Narcan drop boxes, County has a new Zoning truck.
Sextons Report: No Report
Library Report: Given by Diane Quillen
Treasurers Report: Given By Cindy Weingartz Clerks Report: Clerk reported on December 2022 941, W-2 -1099, all 4th !/4work done by Auditors complete. Worked on B.O.R. dates and working on the 2023 – 2024 Budget at present
Fire Report: Given by Chief Estes, on file in the clerk’s office
Old Business: New addition
New Business: Motion to pay upgraded insurance for Fire vehicles made by Gulvas supported by McNenly, roll call vote, McNenly yes, Czerniak Yes, Gulvas yes, motion passed 3 0. motion made by McNenly to pay a stipend of $500 a month, Wage, doing away with $1200 a year wage which will be 1099 (taxed), supported by Gulvas, Roll call Vote Czerniak yes-McNenly yes- Gulvas yes, motion passed 3-0
Payment of Bills: Mcnenly made the motion to pay bills, and Gulvas supported all ayes the motion passed
Public Comment: None
Adjournment: Gulvas made the motion to adjourn McNenly supported it, meeting was adjourned at 8:24 TWP> CLERK LARRY MCNENLY