December 20, 2022 Minutes

Goodar Township Board December 20 , 7:30pm and
Meeting minutes

Pledge Of Allegiance:Tom Czerniak
Roll Call: McNenly, Czerniak, Weingartz, Gulvas and Baughmanall present
Public Comment: Dick Gulvas commented on Fire Dept Santa Give away to area children, giving a few examples of how it was so emotional.
Approvalof previous minutesBaughman made motion to accept, Gulvas supported all ayes, motion passed
Additions to Agenda: Discussion on Transfer Site Gate – Set up BOR dates – Letter from County – Training center door replacement – Millage increase for next election
Visitors: County Commissioner: Reported on opioid settlement- radar and tracking devices on county vehicles – two more officers to join sheriffs dept. – new radar device purchased for courthouse
Sextons Report: 1 burial plot purchased
Library Report: Given by Diane Quillen
Treasurers Report: Given by Cindy Weingartz Clerks Report: Clerk reported on Election reimbursement – office closure for holiday – password for security cameras – Transfer site closed December 25 and January1 – BOR dates
Fire Report: Given by Chief Estes, on file in clerks office
Old Business: Addition still on hold. Matthews paid for fire call this last year.
New Business: Prints for addition were looked over – Training center door replacement to be done.. .Fire Dept , will now go after bills outstanding that insurance owes on . No residents of Goodar will be charged
Payment of Bills: Mcnenly made motion to pay bills, Baughman supported all ayes motion passed
Public Comment: Finley commented on the emotional parts of the Santa’s giveaway to area children.
Adjournment: Mcnenly made motion to adjourn Baughman supported, meeting adjourned at 8:41 TWP> CLERK LARRY MCNENLY