March Minutes

Goodar Township Meeting March 16, 2021 – 7:30 PM
PLEDGE of Allegiance: Supervisor: Roll Call, Clerk: Tom Czerniak – Cindy Weingartz,- Rob View – Jay Baughman –   Larry Mc Nenly

Public Comment:, Six visitors present, Charley Finley presented KN95 masks to be distributed to community

ADDITION TO AGENDA: Workshop for 2021 budget to be discussed after regular meeting
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES: Motion by View to accept, after correction on spelled name (Estes) is done supported by Weingartz, all ayes, motion passed
County Commissioner: Ron Vaughn, No Report
SEXTONS REPORT: CLERK OR SEXTON: Clerk reported no activity
LIBRARY REPORT: Diane Quillen,  Library report given
CLERKS REPORT: Larry Mc Nenly, Clerks office reported general work. Quarterlies, UIA, and Budget taking up most of time.  Problems with QVF and upcoming elections, Thumb drives to be used in future to access QVF. Correction made in last months minutes on Weingartz and Finley names. Computer acting up.
TREASURERS REPORT: Given by Cindy Weingartz
FIRE REPORT: Rob View, Gave report, on file with Clerk 
OLD BUSINESS: Tabled issues: SAD and Addition on going, no changes.
New Business: Hall is still not going to be rented because of Covid
Public Comment: Czerniak and Weingartz will be absent for Budget adoption on 3-24-21
Payment of bills: Motion by View and supported by Weingartz to pay, all ayes, motion passed                                                                                                       
Adornment:  motion by McNenly to adjourn, supported by View, all ayes meeting adjourned at 7:50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GOODAR TOWNSHIP CLERK: Larry Mc Nenly