March Meeting

Goodar Township Meeting March 15 2022 – 7:30 PM

PLEDGE of Allegiance: Supervisor Tom Czerniak

Roll Call, Clerk: Tom Czerniak  – Cindy Weingartz –Dick Gulvas –  Jay Baughman,  –   Larry Mc Nenly.                                                                     

Public Comment:,13 visitors present. Iosco Co. Sheriff ,Scott Frank, presented Goodar Twp. With AED, And meeting took a short adjournment for pictures at7:35. Meeting continued  at7:45. Lupton Fire Chief , Lupton Fire Dept. requested confirmation of the Board ,they are released from their contract. The Board answered yes. Becky Byrd- Aug.6 to have 1st annual South Branch Appreciation Day, to include fireworks, food, games.                                                                                                                        ADDITION TO AGENDA: 2022 Budget, Fire pay increase, Recovery fees,Separate phones for Twp and Fire, And digital sign, bringing of roads..                                                        APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES: Motion by Baughman to accept, Regular minutes (January and February) McNenly supported , all ayes

VISITORS: County Commissioner: Ron Vaughn, no report . Ogamaw Co. Sheriff Brian Gilbert was present and addressed the board                                                 SEXTONS REPORT: CLERK OR SEXTON: Clerk reported on Quillen burial                                                                                                                                                        

LIBRARY REPORT: Diane Quillen, no report

CLERKS REPORT: Larry Mc Nenly, Clerks office reported general work, Budget work on going, Bd. Of Review, up-coming Bond issue in may

TREASURERS REPORT Cindy Weingartz gave report                                                                                       FIRE REPORT: Chief Estes, Gave report, on file with Clerk                                                                              OLD BUSINESS: Tabled issues: SAD and Addition on going, no changes.

New Business : Fire Wage Change approved by Board 5-0 Mcnenly making motion to approve an Baughman supporting. Roll call- McNenly Gulvas Weingartz and Czerniak voting yes . Fire Recovery Fees increase approved by Board ,5-0 with motion by Mcnenly , supported by Czerniak , Roll call- McNenly Baughman Czerniak Weingartz and Gulvas voting yes .                                                                                                                  Public comment:  none

PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion Weingartz Supported Baughman,  motion passed

Adjournment: Motion by Baughman, Supported by McNenly Meeting adjourned At 8:36 GOODAR TWP CLERK; LARRY MCNENLY