February Meeting

February 18, 2019 – 7:30
PLEDGE of Allegiance: Supervisor:
Roll Call, Clerk: Tom Czerniak – Cindy Weingartz – Rob View absent – Jay Baughman, – Larry Mc Nenly
Public Comment: No Comment was made. No guests present ADDITION TO AGENDA: Snow Plowing and S.A.D. to be discussed under new business. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES: Motion by Baughman to accept, supported by Weingartz, all ayes , motion passed
VISITORS: County Commissioner: Ron Vaughn, not present, no report. SEXTONS REPORT: CLERK OR SEXTON: Sexton reported to Clerk no activity
LIBRARY REPORT: Diane Quillen, Reported on library.
CLERKS REPORT: Larry Mc Nenly, Clerks office reported general work for month Election meeting in West Branch, Auditors report for year end complete. AV. apps and ballots being sent out and received, daily. Clerk will be at Twp. 9-5, Saturday before election to receive late ballots
TREASURERS REPORT: Given by Cindy Weingartz FIRE REPORT: Rob View, Gave report, filed in office OLD BUSINESS: Tabled issues: SAD and Addition on going, no changes. Twp. Credit card to have Treasurers and Fire Chiefs Signatures added,
NEW BUSINESS: Clerks office to be extended, waiting for bid. S.A.D to be put back on agenda after March elections.
PUBLIC COMMENT: none PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion to pay bills by McNenly, Supported by Baughman, all ayes, motion passed
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Baughman supported by Weingartz all ayes,: motion passed, meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM
Goodar Twp. Clerk Larry Mcnenly