

Keep and maintain all official Township records.
All original records are kept on file in the Clerk’s Office. This includes Township policies and procedures, ordinances, resolutions, easements, vehicle titles, special assessment district petitions, tax abatement requests and many other documents.
Required signer, along with Township Supervisor, on all Township contracts.
I am one of the two required signers on all Township Contracts. This includes employee agreements, contracts for services, and any other legal document.

Accounts Payable/Payroll
My office is responsible for preparing, submitting and disbursing all accounts payable. I am one of the two required signers on all Township checks. This includes payables and payroll checks for township and fire department personnel.
Preparation and maintenance of all Board of Trustee meeting agendas and official minutes. Also maintain all Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals Agendas and Minutes.
After the meeting, we prepare the official minutes and publish them in accordance with the law as it pertains to legal notices. We also post all meeting notices, meeting cancellations, special meetings and Civil Service meeting notices. All postings are done in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
All local, county, state, federal and school elections are conducted by the Clerk’s Office.

Process Freedom of Information Act requests
This office is responsible for processing all freedom of information act requests. Upon receipt of a request, we route the document to the proper department for review and follow-up, all within the time limits as specified in the Act. In the event we are unable to respond within the specified time, we make a request of the applicant for an extended period of time with an explanation for same.

Publication of all legal notices, documents, and meeting minutes.
This office is responsible for the publication of all legal notices, documents and Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes in a local newspaper. We utilize the services of the Iosco County News Herald. Employment notices are also placed in the same Newspaper.