April 18, Minutes

Goodar Township Board Minutes
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
7:30 PM

ROLL CALL: Members Present: Supervisor- Tom Czerniak, Clerk- Larry McNenly, and Trustee-Dick Gulvas Trustee-Jay Baughman., Treasurer- Cindy Weingartz,
PUBLIC COMMENT: 12 visitors were in attendance. Roger Miller and Becky Bird made comments on the salvage yard
ADDITION TO AGENDA: Fire Chief’s resignation. Appointment of new Fire chief
APPROVAL OF LAST MONTHS MINUTES: Gulvas, motion to accept last month’s minutes, Weingartz supported, all ayes, minutes accepted
VISITORS: County Commissioner reported on the Juvenile detention center bed agreement. Transit millage. 2023 County equalization report. The budget is 500,000 in red, working on bringing it into balance.
LIBRARY REPORT< Diane Quillen: Gave report
SEXTONS REPORT: Nothing to report at this time, however, he has gotten 3 calls this month
CLERKS REPORT: Larry McNenly reported on communications, the Chief’s resignation, the cleanup of fire damage next to Debbie Hollis, and regular daily work
TREASURERS REPORT, Cindy Weingartz: Gave report
FIRE REPORT – Assistant Chief Charley Finley gave a report, on file in Clerks office
OLD BUSINESS: Addition and Grants
NEW BUSINESS: The fire Department would like to purchase Badges and Shirts for members, Motion to do so by Mcnenly supported by Baughman, all ayes, and the motion passed. Motion on shirts by Mcnenly, supported by Gulvas, all ayes, motion passed’ Trailer, Water container to be sold off by GTVFD on Facebook first if no takers to be bid out at $650.00 min bid. Asking $900.00. Water tank at $500.00
PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion by Mcnenly, supported by Baughman, all ayes, motion passed
PUBLIC COMMENT: Needle found on the playground, discussion for solution discussed. Cleanup of fire damage at 4721 E. County Line Rd, GTVFD in contact with family, will need time.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Mcnenly, supported by Gulvas, all ayes motion passed, meeting closed at 8:21 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Larry Mc Nenly Goodar Township Clerk